Chronicle PIP Module


The Chronicle PIP Module is a unique management system designed in collaboration with police officers to provide a structured and consistent development and management database for investigative skills. It delivers the capability to monitor professional investigator skills and competency at all PIP levels in the police service and in other sectors of law enforcement. The overarching aim of Chronicle PIP is to record and monitor in one place the registration, examination, training, workplace assessment and accreditation to a national standard at each level.

The Chronicle PIP module ensures that the process set out by your force, collaboration or region is followed consistently and remains current, providing confidence in accountability and risk management under increasing public expectations.

This module gives officers confidence that their records are accurate and will withstand any level of scrutiny. Managers can trust Chronicle to let them know who is accredited with what competency and what capacity the force has, both now and in the future, to address this vital need in Policing.

With resources stretched and an increased scrutiny of skills and qualifications, there has never been a more important time for your force to invest in the Chronicle PIP Module. 

Central Administration & Monitoring of all PIP training

Instant Capacity & Capability of all Investogators

Comply with national, regional and local policies and training curriculums

Comprehensive management reports

Find out more

To find out more about the module, please download the PIP module data sheet.