Welcome to the latest news update from the Chronicle team. We at JML have been busy despite the ongoing situation and there is lots to look forward to, so we have taken some time to put together a summary of what we have been doing over the last few months. Please feel free to pass this newsletter on to your colleagues should you feel it may be of interest to them. As always, if you have any questions, please contact us at enquiries@jmlsoftware.co.uk or on +44 (0) 330 223 3258.
We are very much looking forward to seeing as many of you as possible once we are able to. In the meantime, keep safe.
Our SIG events in February and March proved extremely popular across all module areas and was very well represented by you.
The series of events was a great opportunity for JML to present our thoughts and ideas for the future of Chronicle. They also enabled you to connect with the JML team, get help and expert advice and network with other users across the Chronicle community. We also utilised the opportunity to discuss and prioritise our roadmap for the full Chronicle suite of modules including the highly anticipated C4. We have had some great participation and feedback from you to ensure we are on track and moving in the right direction to provide you with the Chronicle systems you need. A big ‘thank you’ to everyone who took the time to engage with us!
JML are pleased to announce that, for those forces working towards NEP compliance, the Tagsys RFID readers used within the Chronicle Armoury suite, are now able to be installed with Microsoft “Signed” drivers. The software drivers and installation documentation is available for download from the Support section of the JML Software web site: https://chroniclesystems.co.uk/support
Following the very successful SIGs delivered this year, it became apparent that Chronicle was providing exactly what it said on the tin. However, there were some comments and observations, where we picked up on the fact, that you might not be utilising all the best bits of Chronicle. It may be that certain functionality has never been explored or that the versions of Chronicle currently in use, is older. The latest version (C3.14.2) has all the changes and upgrades we have put in.
There has been a great take up of the Health Check process we offer. Checks are designed to support all Chronicle modules and is built to examine, encourage best use of the system, highlight good practices and also ones that may be detrimental to evidencing competence.
It may well be you feel the system is giving you everything you need but experience has shown us, that some simple changes can transform how you manage data.
With Chronicle being the best reporting and recording tool available for managing learning and development, a Health Check may just be what’s needed to answer the questions you didn’t know could be answered. The process gives you on hand, experts in the field of Chronicle, who have drawn knowledge from their own use of the system, experiences of other Forces use and can offer the best advice to make the system all you want it to be.
Chronicle version 3.14 is now available as part of your annual support and maintenance so please take the opportunity to bring your Chronicle up to the latest version and take advantage of the enhanced features.
For the full list of enhancements and fixes, please visit the Support section on our website: www.chroniclesystems.co.uk
The CED module is dedicated to manage Taser® skills, competency, deployments and asset management. The Drone module manages compliance with CAA regulations, pilot qualification, full flight logs, flying hours, equipment service history and much more.
Click here to find out more or contact us to arrange a demo.
If you are looking to improve management of Conducted Energy Devices (CED) and reduce risk, why not consider Chronicle Issue and Return stations. Direct links to Chronicle software ensure efficient and effective day-to-day management of the issue and return of all CED and further protection can be offered if linked to our specially designed asset cabinets.
However, you can always utilise your existing secure locations and install the Issue & Return Stations to manage everything else, without the need for Asset Cabinets.
Click here to find out more or contact us
We have revised our provision of User Guides to help navigate Chronicle. You can now find all supporting User Guides and Video Tutorials in Resources within the secure section of Support on our website.
Click here to find out more or contact us